Thursday, November 19, 2009

Least efficient use of time ever

Will had a great doctor appointment. He got two shots, and he only cried for a second. He weighs 13 pounds and 11 ounces and is in the 26th percentile for his weight. He is 26 inches long though, which is the 85th percentile for his height! So according to the charts he is tall and skinny! Where did this kid come from - definitely not his momma and daddy!

After Will's doctor appointment we went to Barnes and Noble - there was a book signing by non other than the Pioneer Woman herself! I was just thrilled, and contemplated taking her a piece of the texas sheet cake or the cinnamon rolls from her cookbook that are in my fridge right now. But Matt thought that might be kind of creepy.

(For those that read her blog, that is Marlboro Man and her boys in the lower right corner)

So it started at 7:30pm and they gave out numbers. My whole goal was to get a picture with the Pioneer Woman, and even when I found out the wait was considerable (I was #257) I still thought it would be worth it (the girl next to me in line had driven 4 hours and had to be at work the next morning at 7am...if she could do it, I could do it). But when it got to be 10:15 and she was only on #130 we thought maybe we'd have to throw in the towel (keep in mind we are driving 13 hours tomorrow and have yet to get a suitcase out of the closet).

Before we left, we went downstairs just to get a picture of her signing books for other people.

And then the Dart instinct to come away a winner kicked in...

Oh yeah baby. In case you missed it...



We had to walk by quickly and act interested in the kid section because there were guards back there (and tons of people were starring at her, including gobs of people around the railing of the second floor looking down, and we didn't want to look like the idiots we are). Ok, enough about the Pioneer Woman and her cookbook; I promise to now move on to another obsession.

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Duski said...[Reply to comment]

SO funny!!!! Way to go, guys! :)

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