Thursday, September 23, 2010

Our week

Matt started work last week and so far the adjustment for both of us is going pretty well. Last week was mom was here! It was so great to have her here to help with Will and to help me finish a few things around our house.

Matt's first day of work

Will thought it was way more fun to play in the sticks:)

This week has gone fairly well also. Matt leaves for the train before Will and I wake up in the morning, but so far most nights he is able to get home by 7 - in time to see Will before he goes to sleep at night. Thankfully Will has been an absolute joy this week - pretty much always in a good mood.

excuse the blurriness - I took it with my phone:)

This morning when I left for Bible study, I found out someone had broken into our car. They stole our 5 year old GPS and a few rolls of quarters. They must have been desperate. I'm thankful no one was hurt.

Also, please keep our friends Doug and Jenna in your prayers. Doug was hit by a forklift on Monday and had to have part of his leg amputated today. You can read more of their story here.


Karen McLeod said...[Reply to comment]

Will is just too precious. I was at a baby shower this afternoon and one of the guest said that her sister had the cutest little boy that she had ever seen and I thought, "Well, you just haven't seen my great-nephew Will."

Sorry about your car. That is a bummer.

And thanks for sharing about Doug and Jenna, I have been following their caring bridge site. I'm keeping them in my prayers. Hope to see you soon. Are ya'll coming south for Thanksgiving?

Love You All!

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