Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Swing and a hat

Tonight Will was fussy - even while sitting in his vibrating seat and even while he had a pacifier in his mouth - 2 things that usually will calm him down very quickly. He'd just eaten and been changed so we knew that wasn't the reason he was being fussy. So we decided to break out the swing. I was walking around holding him and trying to calm him down while Matt tried to put it together as quickly as possible. Finally it was ready and here he is trying it out...

Success!!! It looks like we will be using it more in the days to come.

Today I took Will to meet Matt for lunch on campus. Matt enjoyed carrying him around showing him off, and we went and showed him to some of the administrators that Matt knows well. They were excited to meet him and gave us a kid's Kellogg hat! It is purple (Northwestern's school color) and not the most masculine...but he seemed to like it:)

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Anonymous said...[Reply to comment]

Will, your Grandmother Fran thinks you're the absolute cutest baby boy in the whole world!! See you in a couple of days!
Grandmother Fran (or Franma, or whatever you choose to call me!)

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