Thursday, May 12, 2011

Bill Dart field

On Sunday a ball field in our hometown was named after Matt's dad. Mr. Dart coached all 4 of his kids in multiple sports. He sponsored teams for the last 20 years and coached over 75 teams. It was a passion of his, and he was known for really caring for his players. My sister in law Casey's best friend, Leslie (Clark) Scholfield wrote an incredible letter to our county's board of commissioners with the request. You can read her letter here.

St. Simons' local paper, The Islander, wrote an article about it. Here is the first page of the article and here is the second part.

How neat would it be for Will or his cousin Otto to play on Bill Dart field one day?


Mary Beth said...[Reply to comment]

That is so special! Considering Will's love for throwing balls, I think he'll definitely be out there one day! Love these old pics!

Chris Tucker said...[Reply to comment]

That's awesome! And very fitting. I wish I would have seen that a month ago when I was on the island.

Miller said...[Reply to comment]

That is so special! Considering Will's love for throwing balls, I think he'll definitely be out there one day! Love these old pics!

Mary Beth

Miller said...[Reply to comment]

That's awesome! And very fitting. I wish I would have seen that a month ago when I was on the island.

Chris Tucker

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