Sunday, June 20, 2010

We made it to St. Simons!

Thank you for your prayers for Mr. Dart. He underwent a lung biopsy Thursday and we should know the results sometime this week. Apparently 90% of lung biopsy patients have to be put on a ventilator, and he did not, so we were very thankful! He is still in the hospital and is in a lot of pain, so please continue to pray for him. Matt's sister Jessica created a caring bridge site where you can keep up with him and leave him messages.

My mom flew up to Chicago on Wednesday. Our original plan was to leave Thursday morning, but we quickly learned that it would be pretty impossible! There was so much to do to get ready to be gone for the whole summer. So, we left early Friday morning and drove as far as Nashville. We spent the night there and drove the rest of the way yesterday. Will did GREAT! He slept a large part of the trip, and when he got fussy we entertained him with lots of toys, Praise Baby dvd's, and Cheerios. I am SO thankful to finally be in St. Simons and with Matt again!

Here are a few pictures of Will with my mom this week...


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