I'm a week late in posting this - I've had my hands full so please forgive me;) Last week my mom and sister came to visit Will and Liza! My mom got in town on Monday and immediately wanted to hold this sweet little bundle...
She also couldn't wait to see her buddy! The weather was absolutely perfect so we took Will to a different park everyday and ate most meals outside too!
My Aunt Faye sent a box of things for Liza and included this yellow jacket backpack harness for Will that he loves! It has an attached hood with antennae and was pretty hilarious...
Thursday morning my sister Mary Beth flew in!
Liza and her namesake! |
We took Will to Penny Park for a picnic!
Will LOVES his Aunt B!
More cuddle time with her Meme! |
On Friday we picked Will up from school and took another picnic to Lake Michigan!
Friday night we took Will out for ice cream!
A funny story about getting ice cream - a girl at the table next to us saw my insulin pump and saw me holding a newborn and asked if I was a Type 1 Diabetic. She was there with her husband and newborn, and was also diabetic. Matt and I started talking to them (we kind of vaguely remember seeing them in the waiting room of our high risk OB group). She also had a c-section and also had a wound seroma like I did! She also had to have nurses come pack it twice a day. Isn't that crazy? I'd never heard of this complication before and within a week I met a stranger who had it too! (We had different doctors perform our c-sections, so the fact that we both had this complication was more due to the fact that we're both diabetic and thus have more problems healing from surgery).
Saturday morning we made one more trip to the park with Will before my mom and sister left.
Is this a boy thing? |
And mom and MB got a few more cuddles in with baby girl before the cab came to take them to the airport!
We miss having them here SO much and hope they come visit us again soon:)